UXG – US Gold And BXI-V – Bio Extraction

by Olivier on June 2, 2009

Tonight I’ll just post the weekly charts of UXG – US Gold and BXI.V Bio Extraction. Needless to say today’s action is extremely bullish. As I’ve mentioned in the past BXI.V – Bio Extraction is probably the most bullish looking chart on my public list. Today’s behaviour is typical for strong stocks. Picture perfect technical action.


I’ve added AVL.TO – Avalon Rare Metals and CCE.V – Commerce Resources to the public list. They are already part of the Rare Earth Elements sector overview chart but it looks like there is a lot more to come for the rare earth stocks. I’ll be posting more about that sector over the next weeks.

Oil stocks keep popping up in my scans. This bodes well for AEN.TO – Antrim Energy. Let’s see if it can move up to 1$.

Have a great evening!

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